In Search of Appropriate Images – BOOK

In Search of Appropriate Images is my first book – I’m happy to announce it will be on presale starting from today.

Published by Skinnerboox and designed by Think Work Observe it’s a body of work born a year ago in the surreal circumstances we all still live in. An exercise to train the eye, to seek some sort of meaning in the objects, atmospheres and thoughts I’m attracted to. In Search of Appropriate Images tries to fulfill the need to distill images that represent an inner voice – and has been an opportunity to preserve and protect them. 


The book can be pre-ordered now at this link:, also in a special edition featuring two signed prints of the opening spread.

Thank you immensely to everyone involved for making the book possibile, especially Alberto Moreu, Milo Montelli and Alessandro Calabrese.


In Search of Appropriate Images is an ongoing exercise taking place in the vast backyard I learned to love. This body of work, which is in progress, now has its own *home* where images are accessible much more in the way I always thought of them. ISOAI.XYZ website is now online, with a selection of what I’m working on, designed by soulmates Think Work Observe which always execute pertinently and so effortlessly, developed by Andrea Serrani . (The platform is preferably to be accessed from desktop).


Contingency Plans – Covid 19

For the past month I worked together with friend and journalist Raffaele Panizza on a photo essay titled Contingency Plans, about companies across Italy that promptly converted or adapted their production lines to respond to the Covid 19 outbreak. This body of work was supported by, an ongoing permanent archive of the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on people’s lives around the globe. We were granted access to emergency productions, makers’ small labs and witnessed extensive shifts of voluntary workers, productions lines that expanded their limits through the collaborations of military and civil engineers – working together to produce strategic and life saving goods. These are stories of a country that was able to never really stop.

This story was produced thanks to a grant by Cortona on the Move.
Thank you Arianna Rinaldo, Antonio Carloni and Veronica Nicolardi and to all the companies who allowed us in to document their work. Head over to the online platform to read the full story.

The invention of modern time – for Maize.

The common cuckoo, native to Europe, had long served as a natural marker of time, a welcome harbinger of Spring whose familiar calls denoted the coming of the new season and warmer weather. Writing eloquently on the cuckoo in his 1849 book Natural History: Birds, English naturalist Philip Henry Gosse described the joy felt upon hearing the first coos of the season. Photographed for Maize – H Farm a new issue about the invention of modern time. Together with the help of Davide Mottes and Anna Marta Azzolini who art directed it.
Thank you Kosmos and Università di Pavia.






Econocom 2019

New Adv work for Econocom with Sterling Cooper.

Account Director: Alessia Bernava
Account Executive: Nicoletta Galleani
Executive Creative Director: Simone Cristiani
Creative Director: Matteo Mascetti

Executive Producer: Antonella Montagnani
Casting: Vanessa Contini

Stylist: Fabio Mercurio
MUA: Giuseppe Lorusso


The Last Things.

On April 18, 2015, a ship sinks on its way from Libya to Europe. 528 bodies are recovered from the wreck a year later. A team headed by forensic scientist Cristina Cattaneo collected and cataloged all items on the wreck. Thank you Jakob Feigl.


Stretching Routine for Kristalia

– A new series by Mattia Balsamini and Studio Fludd for Kristalia Design

Kristalia design pieces become active players in dynamic states of balance. The gym scenario suggests a challenging equilibrium between fun and discipline, body intelligence and rational control, repetition versus randomness.

Stemming of the previous collaborative project Wasted Arena where Mattia Balsamini and Studio Fludd spent a day roaming around the beaches on Lido di Venezia with a survival kit of mixed materials play-fighting on ephemeral battlegrounds on Stretching Routine the attention admittedly shifted towards a controlled and playful environment. As classic pieces got reworked and redesigned, they needed their skills and shapes to be tested.
